2007 Kawasaki Stx 12F Service Manual
Posted by admin- in Home -07/10/17SERVICE MANUAL DOWNLOAD LINKS BELOW. 19851988 Kawasaki Jetski TS 650 Tandem Sport JF650 Service Manual 19891995 Kawasaki Jetski 650 TS 650TS JF650 Service Manual. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. I am having trouble with overheating on my 2003 STX12F, only at idle or under approximately 57 mph, ex no wake zone. You can watch the bypass water opening at. I personally have almost 20 years of dealership experience many of those years were spent as a mechanic, service writer, service manager and parts manager. Kawasaki STX 1. 2F Overheating. I found the problem. Turns out a friend of ours had the same issue and now that Ive seen it, I believe it to be a potential problem for all 0. Fs. There is a hose that goes from the bottom nipple of the exhaust just past the first blue coupler to the engine, under the intake you cant miss it. Under the intake, the hose connects to a piece that bolts to the side of the head. This nipple disintegrates inside the rubber hose, creating a solid clog. The replacement part from Kawasaki has a brass nipple on it, so I think they too have identified this as an issue. You must disconnect the intake and set it down I left it in the ski with most of the connections still hooked up to get access to the hose end. You can re use the intake gasket if you use some copper spray on it. Its amazing to me that Kawasaki didnt issue a recall on this, as it can leave you stranded and can seriously damage your engine. It is bound to happen on any 1.
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F ridden in saltwater without the brass nipple piece.