Archive Invalidation File
Posted by admin- in Home -25/11/17Oracle Application Server Portal Error Messages. The specified Reports Server object was not found. Cause The Reports Server that was specified is not registered with. Oracle. AS Portal. Action Register the Reports Server, or specify the correct Reports Server. The specified Reports Calendar was not found. Cause The specified Reports Calendar does not exist or is not registered. Oracle. AS Portal. Action Register the Reports Calendar, or specify the correct Reports. Cause There was an internal error while rendering the calendar. Action Contact Oracle Support Services. Cause A value was entered that contains nonnumeric characters. Action Enter only numeric characters. Cause The operation to save parameters failed. Action This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. Builder attributes 0. Cause Initialization of the specified Reports Builder attributes failed. Action Refer to the relevant Reports Builder error message, and take the. Cause Initialization of the specified Reports Server failed. Action Verify that the Reports Server is properly registered. Oracle Portal. Cause The application was unable to delete the specified object. Action This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. IDCause An invalid error ID was specified. Action This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. Cause The server was not accessible because the security check failed. Action Contact the portal administrator to get access to the server. Cause The printer was not accessible because the security check failed. Action Contact the portal administrator to get access to the printer. Cause The module was not accessible because the security check failed. Action Contact the portal administrator to get access to the module. Cause The output type destype was not accessible because the security. Action Contact the portal administrator to get access to the output type. Cause The output format desformat was not accessible because the security. Action Contact the portal administrator to get access to the output format. Cause The calendar check failed. The report cannot be run at this time. Action View the availability calendar to see when the report can be run. Cause The calendar check failed. The report cannot be run on this server. Action Check the availability calendar to see when the server can be used. Cause The calendar check failed. Printing on this printer is not possible. IBM WebSphere Application Server provides periodic fixes for the base and Network Deployment editions of release V7. 0. The following is a complete listing of fixes. You can use the administrative console to change the values of Java virtual machine JVM custom properties. Wrye Bash General Readme Contents. Introduction. Glossary. Installation Uninstallation Installing Mods. Overview BAINCompatible installer layout Restructuring.
Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Action Check the availability calendar to see when the report can be. Cause The required privileges to perform this task were missing. Action Ask the portal administrator for the required privileges. LOV access check failure for parameter. Cause The LOV access check failed. The user currently does not have the privileges required to access this LOV. Action Ask the portal administrator for the required privileges. Also see MOSC Note 155477. 1 on improving importing speed You may be able to improve performance by increasing the value of the RECORDLENGTH parameter when you invoke. Cause The value specified was less than the valid lower limit for. Action Specify a value within the valid range. Cause The value specified was higher than the valid high limit for. Action Specify a value within the valid range. Cause The validation trigger failed. Action Contact the portal administrator. No report is specified. Cause A report name was not specified. Action Specify a valid report name. No server is specified. Cause A server name was not specified. Action Specify a valid server name. Conflicting module and report names are specified. Cause The report name and the module name were conflicting. Action Ensure that the report name and the module name are the same. Reports Server. Cause An exception occurred when sending a request to the Reports Server. The report was not sent. Action Contact Oracle Support Services. The Oracle Reports Web gateway URL setting is not specified. Cannot run report. Cause The Oracle Reports Web gateway URL was not specified. Action Edit the server component, and specify the Oracle Reports Web. The browser cannot display this Reports portlet. Cause The browser version was not supported. The Reports portlet cannot. Action Upgrade the browser version. Refer to the product documentation for. Cause The operation was successful if this message is displayed by itself. Unexpected errors may have occurred if other messages accompany this. Action None, if this message is displayed by itself. If other messages. Cause The message identified by the stated typename combination was not. Action This is an internal error. Contact Oracle Support Services. ID not found 0. Cause The message identified by the given ID was not found in the system. Action Contact Oracle Support Services. Cause A process encountered a low level, unexpected condition. This is the. generic internal error number for program exceptions. Action Report this error to Oracle Support Services. Include the error, the. Cause User sessions are cleaned up by a background job after a specified. An attempt was made to access a session that did not. Action Close all browser instances to ensure that the session cookie is. Reopen the browser and log in to the Single Sign On Server. Cause An error was encountered while decrypting the Oracle Portal session. Action Close all browser instances to ensure that the session cookie is. Reopen the browser and log in to the Single Sign On Server. Cause An unexpected exception occurred. The error message may provide. Action Review the information in the error message and take appropriate. The proxy was not found. Cause The parameters specified to locate the proxy were not correct. Action Check the parameters and provide the correct values. A proxy with the specified name already exists. Cause A proxy with the specified already existed. Action Either use the existing proxy or specify a different proxy name. The session context cannot be restored because the session is marked as inactive. Cause The session cookie contained a session reference marked as inactive. Action Close all browser instances to ensure that the session cookie is. Reopen the browser and log in to the Oracle Single Sign On Server. The session context cannot be restored because the cookie value does not match the value stored in the session repository. Cause The session cookie was not consistent with the user session in the. Action Close all browser instances to ensure that the session cookie is. Reopen the browser and log in to the Oracle Single Sign On Server. This API can be used only in non Web sessions. Cause An attempt was made to call an API from a browser session, but the. API was designated to be called from a SQL session. Action Check whether the API being called is meant for SQL sessions only. Do not call such APIs from a browser session. The Globalization Support language code specified is not valid. Cause The language abbreviation specified was invalid. Action Specify a correct language abbreviation. The value for the Globalization Support territory specified is not valid. Cause The territory specified was invalid. Action Specify a correct territory. Navigator. Cause An internal error occurred while generating the list of objects to. Navigator. This may be because the requested object has. Action Click the Navigator link at the top of the screen. If that does not. General invalidation message processing exception 1. Cause One of the following occurred. An error occurred when an invalidation message was sent. This can. occur when Oracle Web Cache goes down, or is stopped while Oracle. Portal writes an invalidation message to the Oracle Web Cache.