Audit Manual For Pacs By Nabard

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A to Z Full Forms Abbreviations all full forms. Full Forms related to. Academic and Science, Business, Finance, Community. Audit Manual For Pacs By Nabard RecruitmentAbbreviations Meaning ABCI Association of Business Communicators of India ABCP Asset Backed Commercial Paper ACF Auto Correlation Function ACU Asian Clearing. Computing, Governmental, Internet, Miscellaneous, Regional, Medical, Sports and. International with hundreds of sub categories with described abbreviations with Full Forms list. A. AACI               Airport Association Council International. AAFI               Amateur Athletics Federation of India. AAGSP           All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad. AAPSO           Afro Asian Peoples Solidarity Organisation. AASU               All Assam Students Union. ABM               Anti Ballistic Missile. ABCDE           Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics. ABSU             All Bodo Students Union. ABT                 Availability Based Tariff. AC                   Alternate Current or Ashok Chakra or Air Conditioner or Antarctic Club. AD                   Ano Domini After the birth of JesusADA                 Air Defence Artillery. ADB                 Asian Development Bank. AERE             Atomic Energy Research Establishment. AEO                 American Eagle Outfitters. AFLP               Accelerated Female Literacy. AFPPD             Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population Development. AGF                 Asian Games Federation. AGOC             Asian Games Organization Committee. AICC               All India Congress Committee. AICTE             All India Council of Technical Education. AICCTU         All India Central Council of Trade Unions. AICI               Agricultural Insurance Corporation of India. AIDS               Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIFF               All India Football Federation. AIIMS             All India Institute of Medical Sciences. AIL                 Aeronautics India Limited. AIMPLB         All India Muslim Personal Law Board. Audit Manual For Pacs By Nabard Result' title='Audit Manual For Pacs By Nabard Result' />AINEC             All India Newspapers Editors Conference. AIR                 All India Radio. AITUC             All India Trade Union Congress. ALH                 Advanced Light Helicopter. AM                 Anti Meridian Before NoonAMIE             Associate Member of the Institute of Engineers. ANC               African National Congress. APNN             Asian Pacific News Network. APEC               Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation. APPLE             Asian Passenger Payload Experiment. APPU               Asian Pacific Postal Union. ARF                 Asian Regional Forum. ARDS             Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. ASEAN           Association of South East Asian Nations. ASLV               Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle. ASI                   Archaeological Survey of India. ASSOCHAM Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry IndiaAWACS           Airborne Warning and Control System. ATCI               Air Time Committee of India. ATF                 Aviation Turbine Fuel. ATPLO             All Tripura Peoples Liberation Organisation. ATS                 Anti Tetanus Serum. ATTF               All Tripura Tribal Force. AVARD           Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. BBAMS             Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. BARC             Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. BBC               British Broadcasting Corporation. BC                   Before Christ. BCG               Bacillus Calmette Guerin Anti TB VaccineBCCI               Board of Control for Cricket in India. BCCL             Bharat Cooking Coal Limited. BDL               Bharat Dynamics Limited. BEL                 Bharat Electronics Limited. Remote Desktop Brute Force Tool. BENELUX     Belgium, Netherlands and Luxemburg. BHEL             Bharat Heavy Electronics Limited. BICP               Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices. BIFR               Board of Industrial Finance and Reconstruction. BIMSTEC     Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka,Thailand Economic Cooperation. BIS                   Bureau of Indian Standards British Information Service. BIS                   Bank for International Settlements. BLTF             Bodo Liberation Tigers Force. BPO               Business Process Outsourcing. B. PHARMA   Bachelor of Pharmacy. BRL               Bharat Refineries Ltd. BSF                 Border Security Force. BTC               Bodoland Territorial Council. C. CAD               Command Area Development. CAG               Controller of Auditor General. CAIR             Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. CAS               Conditional Access System. CASE             Commission for Alternative Sources of Energy. CAT               Control for Advance Technology. CAT               Central Administrative Tribunal. CAZRL         Central Arid Zone Research Institute. CBDT           Central Board of Direct Taxes. CBI               Central Bureau of Investigation. CBI               Crime Branch of India. CBSE             Central Board of Secondary Education. CCEA           Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs. CCIC             Central Cottage Industries Corporation. CCI               Consumer Confidence Index. CCL               Central Coal fields Limited. CCIT             Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism. CCS               Cabinet Committee on Security. C DAC         Centre for Development of Advance Computing. CDC             Consulting Development Centre. CDRL           Central Drug Research Institute. CDS             Compulsory Deposit Scheme. CEA             Central Electrical Authority. CENTO       Central Treaty Organization. CERN         Council European Organization for Nuclear Research. CFRI           Central Fuel Research Institute. CFTRI         Central Food Technological Research Institute. CGCRI         Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute. CGWB         Central Ground Water Board. CHOGM     Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. CID               Criminal Investigation Department. CIFT             Committee on Invisible Financing Related Trade. CIMA           Centre of International Modern Art. CIRDAP       Council of Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific. CIRTES         Central Institute for Research and Training in Employment Services. CIS                 Commonwealth of Independent States. CISF               Central Industrial Security Force. CITU             Centre of Indian Trade Union. CIWTC         Central Inland Water Transport Corporation. CLASP           Child Labour Action and Support Project. CMC             Cauri Monitoring Committee. CMAG           Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group. CMAL           Coal Mines Authority Limited. CMDRO       Central Marine Design Research Organization. CMMACS     Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation. CMPDI         Central Mine Planning and Design Institute. CMS             Central Monitoring Series. CNG             Compressed Natural Gas. COD             Central Ordinance Depot. CODESA     Convention for a Democratic South Africa. COFEPOSA Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act. COSPAR         Committee On Space Research.