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Posted by admin- in Home -10/10/17Im Baiju Bhatt, Robinhood CEO, and This Is How I Work. Together with Vlad Tenev, second generation American Baiju Bhatt founded the stock brokerage service Robinhood, which lets users trade public stocks from their mobile devices without paying a commission or maintaining a minimum balance. Their app has over 2 million users. Baiju started Robinhood, his third company with Vlad, when he was just 2. Heres how he works. Location Palo Alto, CACurrent gig Robinhood Co Founder and Co CEOOne word that best describes how you work Scientifically. Together with Vlad Tenev, secondgeneration American Baiju Bhatt founded the stock brokerage service Robinhood, which lets users trade public stocks from their mobile. Current mobile device i. Phone 6. SCurrent computer A 2. Mac. Book Pro that is covered in stickers. First of all, tell me a little about your background and how you got to where you are today. Im an only child and the son of two immigrants my parents moved to the United States when my father was accepted to a Ph. D program in theoretical physics at University of Huntsville Alabama. I grew up in a small townPoquoson, VAand went to school at Stanford, following in my dads footsteps to study physics. In college, I met Vlad Tenev, who at the time was a long haired, string bean kid with a quirky sense of humor and a penchant for late night games of chess. The two of us would become the best of friends and go on to co create two companies in New York together before starting Robinhood in California. What apps, software, or tools cant you live without My ballpoint pen and my Moleskine notebook. Whats your workspace setup like Its pretty simple an external monitor and my laptop. Whats your best time saving shortcut or life hack
I run outside almost every day of the week. Ill usually step out during lunch for an hour long jog around the neighborhoods of Palo Alto and through Stanford campus. It helps me clear my head and put all the things Ive been thinking about back together in creative ways. Also, by the time I get back, Im energetic and generally feeling awesome. Whats your favorite to do list manager I use the Notes Mac app. Its simple and gets the job doneWhat everyday thing are you better at than everyone else Whats your secret I have always had strong willpower. Over the years, Ive overcome challenges when Ive set my mind to them, which has proven especially relevant as Ive created Robinhood and grown as a leader. A personal but very important example comes from my childhood. As a kid, I had always struggled with being overweight. When I was a sophomore in high school, I decided I wanted to change that once and for all. That spring, I started exercising every single day, and by the time I started junior year, I had lost nearly 7. I looked and felt like a completely different person. What do you listen to while you work Got a favorite playlistApple is rolling out facial recognition to unlock its new iPhone X, as has been rumored for months and confirmed in leaks over the weekend. Kilauea Mount Etna Mount Yasur Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira Piton de la Fournaise Erta Ale. Marantz, Dolby, Atmos, Auro, Dolby Surround, Auro3D, surround sound, Surround Sound Processor, SSP, Audyssey, AirPlay, immersive sound, upmixing. Nearly every photo online has been edited in some way, whether through cropping, filtering, compressing, colorcorrecting, or other generally innocuous touchups. But. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Winnie the Pooh, the adorable cartoon bear with an obsession for honey, has been censored in China. Its all apparently due to a meme that makes fun of President Xi. Maybe talk radio Or do you prefer silenceLately Ive really liked the new Arcade Fire tracks, Everything Now and Creature Comfort. Im usually listening to music while I work, though mostly instrumental stuff since its difficult for me to hear lyrics and write or read at the same time. A few albums on heavy rotation are Moon Safari by Air Selected Ambient Works 8. Aphex Twin. Oh, and for a fun fact In college I played guitar in a jazzfunk band and I DJed under the moniker Thelonious Moustache. What are you currently reading Or whats something youd recommend Last week I read a graphic novel called Head Lopper which just has awesome artwork. Last month I took a trip to Japan and read The Way of Zen by Alan Watts. That was fantastic too. How do you recharge What do you do when you want to forget about work I spend so much of my time either using technology or thinking about building technology, so I like to spend my free time on old fashioned, analog activities. Two of my favorite ways to recharge include going for long walks in the forests behind Stanford and playing cards with my friends. Whats your sleep routine like Are you a night owl or early riser Im usually out of bed by 7. AM. I like beating the Bay Area traffic by getting into the office early, plus I get at least an hour most mornings to work on personal projects before Im pulled into meetings. Fill in the blank Id love to see answer these same questions. Alexander Hamilton. Whats the best advice youve ever receivedYour work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you havent found it yet, keep looking. Dont settle. As with all matters of the heart, youll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Dont settle. Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Speech 2. This interview has been lightly edited for clarity. The How I Work series asks heroes, experts, and flat out productive people to share their shortcuts, workspaces, routines, and more. Have someone you want to see featured, or questions you think we should askChinese Censors Have Apparently Blocked Winnie the Pooh Over a Silly Meme. Winnie the Pooh, the adorable cartoon bear with an obsession for honey, has been censored in China. Its all apparently due to a meme that makes fun of President Xi Jinping. Specifically, social media mentions and images of Winnie the Pooh have been blocked in the country, according to the Guardian. Stickers of the yellow bear have also been banned from We. Chats official sticker gallery. However, posts with the image of Winnie the Pooh were still permitted on the Weibo social media platform as of Monday. And GIFs were still available. Authorities have yet to give an official explanation for the sudden crackdown, but its most likely because the countrys leader is being compared to not just any bear, but one of very little brain. Internet users reportedly got an error message stating this content is illegal every time they typed in comments referencing Little Bear Winnie, which is Poohs Chinese name. President Xi has been compared to Pooh since 2. Guardian notes, after Chinese social media began sharing a photo of Pooh and Tiger walking along side each other, right next to a photo of Xi walking with President Barack Obama. In 2. 01. 4, a picture of Pooh gripping the hoof of his donkey friend Eeyore was compared to a photo of Xi shaking hands with Japans prime minister, Shinzo Abe. Xi was once again compared to Pooh in 2. Winnie the Pooh on a toy car. It was Chinas most censored photo of the year, according to The Guardian. China is known for its strict internet censorship laws, especially when it comes to memes poking fun at authority. Last year, the Chinese government blocked searches for Fatty Kim the Third a widely used phrase referring to the weight of Kim Jong Un, his father, and grandfather at North Koreas request, so it wouldnt turn up any results. The Guardian.