Ic 7400 Datasheet Pdf

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Aluminum 6061 T6 6061 T651 Categories Metal Nonferrous Metal Aluminum Alloy 6000 Series Aluminum Alloy Material Notes Information provided by Alcoa. Provides searchable database of electronic component datasheets and data books. Allows browsing and includes photographs. Allegro MicroSystems uses the latest integrated circuit technology in combination with the centuryold Hall effect to produce Halleffect ICs. These are contactless. Allegro Micro. Systems Hall Effect IC Applications Guide. Answering common sensor IC technology questions such as What is the Hall effectAllegro Micro. Systems uses the latest integrated circuit technology in combination with the century old Hall effect to produce Hall effect ICs. These are contactless, magnetically activated switches and sensor ICs with the potential to simplify and improve electrical and mechanical systems. Download PDF versiontop. Low Cost Simplified Switching. Simplified switching is a Hall sensor IC strong point. Hall effect IC switches combine Hall voltage generators, signal amplifiers, Schmitt trigger circuits, and transistor output circuits on a single integrated circuit chip. The output is clean, fast, and switched without bounce an inherent problem with mechanical switches. A Hall effect switch typically operates at up to a 1. Rail Cargo Simulator Demo here. Hz repetition rate, and costs less than many common electromechanical switches. Efficient, Effective, Low Cost Linear Hall Effect Sensor ICs. Ic 7400 Datasheet Pdf' title='Ic 7400 Datasheet Pdf' />Ic 7400 Datasheet PdfIc 7400 Datasheet Pdf2sdnpn f. The linear Hall effect sensor IC detects the motion, position, or change in field strength of an electromagnet, a permanent magnet, or a ferromagnetic material with an applied magnetic bias. Energy consumption is very low. The output is linear and temperature stable. The sensor IC frequency response is flat up to approximately 2. Hz. A Hall effect sensor IC is more efficient and effective than inductive or optoelectronic sensors, and at a lower cost. Sensitive Circuits for Rugged Service. The Hall effect sensor IC is virtually immune to environmental contaminants and is suitable for use under severe service conditions. The circuit is very sensitive and provides reliable, repetitive operation in close tolerance applications. Applications. Applications for Hall effect ICs include use in ignition systems, speed controls, security systems, alignment controls, micrometers, mechanical limit switches, computers, printers, disk drives, keyboards, machine tools, key switches, and pushbutton switches. They are also used as tachometer pickups, current limit switches, position detectors, selector switches, current sensors, linear potentiometers, rotary encoders, and brushless DC motor commutators. Schneider Electric is a leading designer and manufacturer of smart machine automation and control solutions. Find here our extensive range of products. A simple FM Radio circuit with diagram and schematic using IC TDA 7000. This low cost single chip fm radio circuit design is easy to make and is suitable to make a FM. A B Y Product Folder Order Now Technical Documents Tools Software Support Community An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability. The Hall Effect How Does It Work The basic Hall element is a small sheet of semiconductor material, referred to as the Hall element, or active area, represented in figure 1. Figure 1. Schematic representation of the active area of a Hall effect device, with the Hall element represented by the component marked with an X A constant voltage source, as shown in figure 2, forces a constant bias current, IBIAS, to flow in the semiconductor sheet. The output takes the form of a voltage, VHALL, measured across the width of the sheet. In the absence of a magnetic field, VHALL has a negligible value. Figure 2. VHALL in the absence of a significant magnetic field If the biased Hall element is placed in a magnetic field with flux lines at right angles to the bias current see figure 3, the voltage output changes in direct proportion to the strength of the magnetic field. This is the Hall effect, discovered by E. F. Hall in 1. 87. Figure 3. Hall effect, induced VHALL, resulting from significant magnetic flux green arrows perpendicular to the bias current flow top. Linear Output Hall Effect Devices The output voltage of the basic Hall element is quite small. This can present problems, especially in an electrically noisy environment. Addition of a stable, high quality DC amplifier and voltage regulator to the circuit see figures 4 and 5 improves the transducer output and allows the device to operate over a wide range of supply voltages. The modified device provides an easy to use analog output that is linear and proportional to the applied magnetic flux density. Figure 4. Hall circuit with amplification of VHALLFigure 5. Hall device with voltage regulator and DC amplifier For the most current list of linear output devices from Allegro, go to Linear Position Sensor ICs. Digital Output Hall Effect Switches. The addition of a Schmitt trigger threshold detector with built in hysteresis, as shown in figure 6, gives the Hall effect circuit digital output capabilities. When the applied magnetic flux density exceeds a certain limit, the trigger provides a clean transition from off to on without contact bounce. Built in hysteresis eliminates oscillation spurious switching of the output by introducing a magnetic dead zone in which switch action is disabled after the threshold value is passed. Figure 6. Hall circuit with digital output capability An open collector NPN or N channel FET NFET output transistor added to the circuit see figure 7 gives the switch digital logic compatibility. The transistor is a saturated switch that shorts the output terminal to ground wherever the applied flux density is higher than the turn on trip point of the device. The switch is compatible with all digital families. The output transistor can sink enough current to directly drive many loads, including relays, triacs, SCRs, LEDs, and lamps. Figure 7. Common circuit elements for Hall switches The circuit elements in figure 7, fabricated on a monolithic silicon chip and encapsulated in a small epoxy or ceramic package, are common to all Hall effect digital switches. Differences between device types are generally found in specifications such as magnetic parameters, operating temperature ranges, and temperature coefficients. Operation. All Hall effect devices are activated by a magnetic field. A mount for the devices and electrical connections must be provided. Parameters such as load current, environmental conditions, and supply voltage must fall within the specific limits shown in the datasheet. Magnetic fields have two important characteristics magnetic flux density, B essentially, field strength, and magnetic field polarity north or south. For Hall devices, orientation of the field relative to the device active area also is important. The active area Hall element of Hall devices is embedded on a silicon chip located parallel to, and slightly inside of, one particular face of the package. That face is referred to as the branded face because it is normally the face that is marked with the part number the datasheet for each device indicates the active area depth from the branded face. To optimally operate the switch, the magnetic flux lines must be oriented to cross perpendicularly through the active area the branded face of planar Hall devices, or the sensitive edge of vertical Hall devices, and must have the correct polarity as it crosses through. Because the active area is closer to the branded face than it is to the back side of the case, and is exposed on the branded face side of the chip, using this orientation produces a cleaner signal. In the absence of any significant applied magnetic field, most Hall effect digital switches are designed to be off open circuit at output. They will turn on only if subjected to a magnetic field that has sufficient flux density and the correct polarity in the proper orientation. In switches, for example, if a south pole approaching the branded face would cause switching action, a north pole would have no effect. In practice, a close approach to the branded face of a planar Hall switch or along the sensitive edge of a vertical Hall switch by the south pole of a small permanent magnet see figure 8 causes the output transistor to turn on.